Stars Training Academy specializes in customizing clinical training series for departments of mental health, social service, probation, and special education. The Stars Training Academy team helps to improve how a county, city, state or community organization or large institution implements evidence-based practices. Our staff can train an organization’s staff, conduct agency-wide programs and/ or develop programs for multi-agency systems of care.
What Differentiates Stars Training Academy
TIP Model Impact
This graphic shows the impact of the Transition to Independence Process (TIP) Model on the first 29 youth and young adults (14-26 years old) served at a new Transition Program. The TIP Team was started by the Mental Health and Family Court/ Probation of Muskegon County, MI.

This first pair of bars shows the percent of young people (YP) living in typical "home-type" settings such as an apartment, transitional housing apartment, living with parents or foster parents at their home, or a dorm -- verses residing in a residential treamtent center, group crisis center, or jail. From this first pair of bars you can see that the percent of YP living in "home-type" settings increased from 48% at intake to 93% at a one-year point in time evaluation.
The second pair of bars show the extent to which these YP were employed or attending school, college, or a vocational/ technical program. Notice that from Intake to the 1-year point, that the percent of YP employed or going to school increased from 24% to 69%.
To Cite or Learn more about this Research Article: Dresser, K., Clark, H.B., & Deschênes, N. (2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11414-014-9438-3). Implementation of a positive development, evidence-supported practice for emerging adults with serious mental health conditions: The Transition to Independence Process (TIP) Model. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. Pp. 1-14.
TIP Model Training Map
Note: This map represents where we have trained so far in the USA. The Stars Training Academy has trained across the world.