Our Live Trainings are Now Available Online
Please contact our Managing Director, Joseph Solomita, at jsolomita@starsinc.com for more info.
We understand it's a difficult time for everyone, and the access to resources and training is limited, so we would like to introduce our new service -- LIVE online training options for supporting your continued work with TAY.
Our online trainings are live and led by our TIP trained instructors, using the popular and easy-to-use Zoom technology, as well as other online video and interactive training tools.
The Stars Training Academy has a menu of TAY-related trainings that will enhance your TIP Model® program or other youth-oriented program. Some topics include:
- Helping TAY Build Healthy Relationships
- Interventions and Activities to Keep Youth Engaged
- Trauma Interventions & Strategies
- Engaging Youth and Working with Resistance
- Bullying, Victims and Bystanders
- Using the Neuroscience of Attention to Make Meetings Fun
- Therapeutic Use of Video Gaming
- Connecting with Displaced Youth
We also offer booster sessions, consultation and technical assistance.
To Learn More about our online training:
Contact Joseph Solomita
Managing Director, Stars Training Academy
for more information
Office: (310) 221-6336 ext. 109
Cell: (714) 336-8363