Positive TIP Model Outcomes at Stars Community Services; an Alameda County, California TAY Program
There are three Stars TAYP levels of care note TAY Level II in the graphs below is for clients requiring a lower level of service intensity, and thus overall service counts were lower for clients at this level. Graphed are key findings on central tendencies -- average counts of services overall, average counts of high-end service utilization, and average service costs based on matched case analyses; a full report with analytic details (e.g., ANOVA tests) is available upon request.
- Results revealed that Stars Behavioral Health Group's Stars TAY program in Alameda County *, California, enrollment is associated with significant reductions in not just overall service utilization, but higher-end service utilization in particular. This was observed in average service encounters, average service costs, and the proportion of clients receiving services (for latter, please see full report).
- There was a 67% reduction in higher-end service counts and a 63% reduction in higher- end service costs.
- TAYP participation also reduced clients’ need for ongoing community based services after they discharged from Star’s program – a 46% reduction in lower end service counts, and a 38% reduction in lower-end costs.
- Length of stay was positively related to the magnitude of reductions in higher-end service utilization (details in full report).
- Alameda County is very pleased with the performance of the TAYP service team for the quality and costs savings it brings to the community; indeed, the program has been sustained over a long period even as Full Service Partnerships opened in the county.
* We appreciate the data collaboration with the County of Alameda Health Care Services Agency, Department of Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services that made these analyses possible.